Risc World 3
Risc World 3.iso
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Text File
269 lines
PDF is a Public Domain PDF file viewer for RISC OS. It is a port of
Derek B Noonburg's xpdf program and further develops Leo Smiers PDF program.
Copying and licences
Updates, bugs or problems
Iconbar icon
Main window
Button bar
Keyboard shortcuts
Logical page numbering
Speed tips
!PDF limitations
Dynamic areas
Copying and licences
You may only copy/distribute/modify this program under the terms of the
GNU General Public Licence. Some of the source files are released under a
modified BSD licence which is a GPL compatible licence.
The licences can be found in !PDF.Documents.Licences
Updates, bugs or problems
You can get the latest version of !PDF at
If you have any problems with !PDF you can contact me at
Iconbar icon
If you run !PDF an Iconbar icon will appear and you can quit the program
>from the menu.
If !PDF is not running but you run it by double clicking on a file or
it is run by another program eg a browser. It will not have an iconbar icon
and the program is quit by closing it's windows.
Main window
When the pointer is over a link it changes to a hand. Clicking with select
follows the link in the same window. If you click with adjust the link is
loaded into a new window.
You can scroll the window contents by dragging them.
Clicking Adjust on the close icon opens the directory containing the file.
Button bar - from left to right
Document Outline If faded there is no Document Outline available. Clicking on the
icon opens an Outline window and when it is open:
* Click on an entry to go to that page.
* Click adjust on an entry to go to that page in a new window.
* Click on a boxed + to show more entries in the outline window.
* Click adjust on a boxed + to open all entries with a boxed + or -,
at the same level, at and below the clicked on box.
* Click on a boxed - to hide some entries.
* Click adjust on a boxed - to close all entries with a boxed + or -,
at the same level, at and below the clicked on box.
* Click on window background or outside window to close it.
History Back Move backward through history of pages visited. eg if you follow
a link selecting back will show the last page you looked at. If
the last page was in a different document it reloads that document.
History Forward Reverses the effect of clicking Back.
Bookmarks (4 small buttons) you can bookmark the current page by clicking
adjust on one of the buttons. You can then go back to that page
at any time by pressing select.
Document size Shows the number of pages in the document.
Current page Shows the current page. You can change the current page by
entering the page number here. Note the page number
may be different to the one shown on the page.
Previous Click Select moves back 1 screenful. If at the top of page you move
to the bottom of the previous page.
Click Adjust moves to the top of the previous page.
<ctrl> Select moves back 10 pages.
Next Click Select moves forward 1 screenful. If at the bottom of page
you move to the top of the next page.
Click Adjust moves to the top of the next page.
<ctrl> Select moves forward 10 pages.
Page slider Browse through pages by clicking or dragging the slider
KeyBoard shortCuts
UP Move back 1 screenful.
<shift> UP Move back 1 page.
<ctrl> UP Move back 10 pages.
DOWN Move forward 1 screenful.
<shift> DOWN Move forward 1 page.
<ctrl> DOWN Move forward 10 pages.
+ scale by 140%.
- scale by 70%.
* scale 100%.
Print Show print dialogue box.
TAB History forward.
<shift> TAB History back.
<ctrl> F4 Find
The display options 'No text' and 'No images' affect what is printed.
Printing is always done in Accurate mode.
Landscape printing has no effect when printing as a pamphlet.
Single sided printing
all Print all pages
>from - to Print pages from 'from' to 'to'
copies number of copies to print
Double sided printing
Double sided printing requires Print setup to be correctly filled in for it to
work properly. (Click setup on the Print dialogue box)
If your printer reverses the order of sheets then tick 'Reverses the sheet order'.
If the paper is turned over by your printer tick 'Turns the paper over'.
Once set you can save these settings.
To control what pages to print you have 'all', the 'from-to' range and the
'start-end' range.
Start-End The start-end range indicates the section of the document to be
printed so if you wanted to make a pamphlet from a chapter in a
document you would set 'start' to the first page in the chapter
and end to the last page in the chapter. If the start end range
is faded then the range defaults to the whole document.
All Print all of the start-end range
From-To The from-to range is used to specify the pages from the start-end
range you want to reprint. Note it will print whole sheets of paper
so if you specify a from-to range of 1-1 you will get both sides
of the sheet printed.
Turning the paper over
When you have finished printing the first side you will be asked to turn the
paper over. At this stage you can cancel the printing and print the second
side at another time by selecting '2nd side' in the print dialogue box when
you print it.
To turn the paper over you should ensure that the same end (short side) of
the paper is fed into the printer first so for example my laser doesn't turn
the paper over when it stacks the paper so I need to turn it over ensuring
that the same end of the paper is fed into the printer first.
My old inkjet turns the paper over so I just need to turn the paper round
so that the same end is fed into the printer first.
To clarify:
'Turn the paper round' means move the end nearest you so that it is the end
furthest away from you keeping the same face of the paper uppermost.
'Turn the paper over' means keeping the same end of the paper toward you turn
the paper over so that the bottom face of the paper is now at the top.
The paper needs to be turned the same way whether you print as a pamphlet or
just double sided.
Find searches for the word entered either from the current page or from the
beginning of the document. The search text is case insensitive.
Logical page numbering
When viewing a pdf file you may find that the page number on the toolbar Ò0
is different to the one shown on the page. This can occur, for example,
when there are contents pages which numbered separately from the main body
of the document. So, if there are 16 pages in the contents the toolbar page
number would show page 1, and be seen on the page as page 17. To go to page 80
you would have to type 96 into the page selector on the toolbar.
You can make the page selector use the same page number as displayed
on the page by:
1) going to a numbered page of the file...i.e. NOT a contents page.
2) going to the 'Set logical page number' dialogue box (in 'Misc')
3) entering the number displayed on the rendered page.
Speed tips
A page which consists mainly of type 3 fonts (you can tell them because the
fonts are not anti-aliased like RISC OS fonts) can be very slow to render
for example the RISC OS Annual report can take over 20 seconds to render
a page, set 'No Type3 fonts' and the same page can take less than 2 seconds.
Luckily font substitution works for the RISC OS Annual Report but it doesn't
Having the pdf file on a RAM disc can speed some pages up a lot - especially
if the page is filled with Type 3 fonts.
!PDF limitations
!PDF can't render fonts that are embedded in a pdf file directly, it tries to
use a substitute RISC OS font. This means that sometimes the text is not
rendered correctly.
!PDF doesn't support polygon path clipping so may get drawings wrong. Selecting
one of the settings on the 'Display menu' may allow you to see what you want if,
for example, some text has been obscured.
If the display from !PDF isn't good enough, you could save the page/document as
postscript and render the postscript file with Ghostview (distributed with
Dynamic areas
By default PDF will look for memory in application space. This limits the maximum
amount of memory available to PDF to about 28Mb. If you would like PDF to be able
to use more memory you can make PDF use a Dynamic area by setting
PDF$DynamicAreaSize as follows:
To use application space.
Unset PDF$DynamicAreaSize
Set PDF$DynamicAreaSize 0
To specify how much memory PDF can use.
Set PDF$DynamicAreaSize 64
where value, in this case 64, is in Mb. You choose the value you want.
To allow PDF to use as much memory as possible.
Set PDF$DynamicAreaSize -1